What is the relative impact of sheep and deer grazing on habitat?
In general, deer grazing pressure is lower than that for sheep but where herbivore density data exist habitat condition declines as deer densities increased (Fig 2). However, habitat conditions tended to be lower when sheep were present regardless of sheep density.
The analysis of large scale grazing impact work was published in the Journal of Applied Ecology. Further analysis of this data in relation to the climate and soils of Scotland will be submitted for publication later in the year. Grazing impacts research has been presented at a number of public meetings, scientific conferences and in the media.
Albon, S.D., Brewer, M.J., O’Brien, S., Nolan, A.J. & Cope, D. 2007. Quantifying the grazing impacts associated with different herbivores on rangelands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44, 1176-1187
Contact: Prof. Steve Albon |