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Sunday 23rd February 2025

Tackling diffuse pollution


Diffuse pollution contributes to eutrophication and microbial contamination of Scotland’s surface and groundwater bodies.

A significant proportion of these water bodies may not meet Good Ecological Status as required by the EU Water Framework Directive unless we can reduce the impact of diffuse pollution.

We will:

  • Assess different sources of pollution in Monitored Priority Catchments (3MB Word doc) (Lunan Water and Cessnock Water)
  • Measure the efficacy of measures to control pollution and eutrophication (eg. buffer strips, septic tank filters, farm ponds, nutrient budgets, and precision farming). 3.5MB pdf Pond poster and link to SEPA.
  • Undertake a cost-effectiveness analysis of measures.
    Assessment of viability and uptake of measures with farmers and other land users (1MB pdf journal article)



Dr. Andy Vinten


Tackling diffuse pollution pic